Healthy brain organic baby food Blog My Baby Organics Australia

Best foods for brain development

Good nutrition in early childhood is imperative

Did you know, by the age of 5 the brain is 90% grown and at birth the brain has almost all the neurons that it will ever have. These neurons are responsible for functions like moving, thinking and communication.

Best foods for brain development Blog My Baby Organics Australia

Nutrition in early childhood is imperative in giving our children the best foundation, not only in life but for their brain health.

Healthy fats

Healthy fats are an important part of any child’s diet but are especially required for brain health. Each brain cell is protected by a fatty layer, the myelin sheath. A range of saturated, polyunsaturated, and monounsaturated are the best types for health as opposed to trans fats, which should be avoided as they cause damage in the body.

Best foods for brain development Healthy Fats Blog My Baby Organics Australia

These fats can be found in, avocado, chia seeds, walnuts, nut butters such as almond butter, oils such as extra virgin olive oil and flaxseed oil.


Magnesium is great for brain development. Using magnesium to help with GABA production is a great way to help kids calm down during moments of stress while also calming their minds at bedtime.

Best foods for brain development Magnesium Blog My Baby Organics Australia

You can find magnesium in foods such as, pumpkin seeds, some nuts, black beans, spinach, broccoli, apple, cacao, just to name a few.


Antioxidants are key for brain function. It is easy to pick foods high in antioxidants as they often give foods their bright colours. They help reduce damage to cells, eliminate waste, and protect cells against stress and environmental toxins.

Best foods for brain development Antioxidants Blog My Baby Organics Australia

Find antioxidants in foods like, berries, beetroot, tomatoes, kale, green beans, pineapple, carrots, apricots, lemons and the list goes on.


Water, ok so it’s not food but hydration is key for your child’s brain function. Your body has lots of important jobs to do and it needs water to do many of them. Research has linked dehydration to poor cognitive function in children. Whilst kids get 20% of their water from solid foods, they still require significant intake throughout the day.

Best foods for brain development Water Blog My Baby Organics Australia

Recommended intake for kids: 1-3 years old = approx 4 cups per day, 4-8 years old = approx 5 cups per day, 9-13 years old = approx 5-6 cups per day and 14 -18 years old = 6-8 cups per day.

Happy eating


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